Ford Escape: Opening the hood
1. Inside the vehicle, pull the hood
release handle located under the
bottom of the instrument panel.
2. At the front of the vehicle, lift up
on the auxiliary latch handle located
in the center between the hood and
the grille.
3. Lift the hood open and secure it
with the prop rod.
Precautions when servicing your vehicle
• Do not work on a hot engine. • Make sure that nothing gets caught in moving parts. • Do not work on a vehicle with the engine running in an enclosed space, unless you are sure you have enou ...See also:
Setting passkey
1. Select the “SET PASSKEY” menu.
After the currently set passkey is displayed,
a new passkey can be entered.
2. Input the new passkey by operating
the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial or saying the ...
Exterior Lamp Controls
The exterior lamp control is on the turn signal/lane change lever.
(Exterior Lamp Control): Operates
the exterior lamps. Turn to one of the following positions:
(Off): Briefly turn to this pos ...
Pregnant women
NISSAN recommends that pregnant women use
seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug,
and always position the lap belt as low as
possible around the hips, not the waist. Place
the shoulder ...