Mitsubishi Outlander: Vehicle labeling - Specifications - Mitsubishi Outlander Owner's ManualMitsubishi Outlander: Vehicle labeling

1-Vehicle identification number

1-Vehicle identification number

The vehicle identification number is stamped on the bulkhead as shown in the illustration.

2-Vehicle information code plate

The vehicle information code plate is riveted as shown in the illustration. The plate shows model code, engine model, transmission model and body colour code, etc. Please use this number when ordering replacement parts.

1- Model code. 2- Engine model code. 3- Transmission model code. 4- Body colour

1- Model code. 2- Engine model code. 3- Transmission model code. 4- Body colour code. 5- Interior code. 6- Option code. 7- Exterior code.

Vehicle identification number plate (RHD vehicles only)

This is stamped on the number plate riveted to the left front corner of the instrument

This is stamped on the number plate riveted to the left front corner of the instrument panel pad. It is visible from outside of the vehicle through the windscreen.

Engine number

*: Front of the vehicle.

*: Front of the vehicle.

The engine number is stamped on the engine cylinder block as shown in the illustration.

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