Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class: Making adjustments in 5 mph (Canada: 10 km/h) increments - Storing the current speed or calling up the last stored speed - Driving systems - Driving and parking - Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class Owner's ManualMercedes-Benz GLK-Class: Making adjustments in 5 mph (Canada: 10 km/h) increments

Briefly press the cruise control lever beyond the pressure point, up 1 for a higher speed or down 2 for a lower speed. The last speed stored is increased or reduced.

    Making adjustments in 1 mph (Canada: 1 km/h) increments
    Briefly press the cruise control lever to the pressure point, up 1 for a higher speed or down 2 for a lower speed. The last speed stored is increased or reduced. ...

    Deactivating cruise control
    There are several ways to deactivate cruise control: Briefly press the cruise control lever forwards 3. or Brake. Cruise control is automatically deactivated if: you depress the park ...

    See also:

    Air Cleaner
    Air Cleaner If the air cleaner is clogged with dust, there will be greater intake resistance, resulting in decreased power output and increased fuel consumption. Check and clean periodically acc ...

    Precautions against vehicle modification
    Always consult your SUBARU dealer if you want to install any accessory parts to your vehicle. Do not perform any of the following modifications. Such modifications can interfere with prop ...

    Capacity and distribution
    Cargo capacity depends on the total weight of the occupants. (Cargo capacity) = (Total load capacity) - (Total weight of occupants) Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit⎯ (1)Locate the sta ...