Subaru Forester: Feature of distance marker
1) 3 feet (1 m) line
2) 6.5 feet (2 m) line
3) 10 feet (3 m) line
The distance marker shows the distance on the road. If there is a car or other object close behind, distance cannot be correctly displayed.
When there is a downward slope at the back
1) 3 feet (1 m)
The distance on the screen looks nearer
than the actual distance.
When cargo is loaded, the rear view
distance on the screen looks farther
than the actual distance a ...
See also:
Play file
- Copyright protected MP3/WMA/AAC
files will not be played by the system.
The player will automatically skip to the
next file (track).
- WMA9 Lossless, WMA9 Professional
and WMA9 voice ...
Infants and Young Children
Everyone in a vehicle needs protection! This includes infants and all other children.
Neither the distance traveled nor the age and size of the traveler changes the need,
for everyone, to use sa ...
Additional information contained on the tire sidewall for “LT” typetires
“LT” type tires have some additional
information beyond those of “P”
type tires; these differences are
described below.
Note: Tire Quality Grades do not
apply to this type of tire.
1 ...