Nissan Rogue: Checking the tire pressure - Tire pressure - Wheels and tires - Maintenance and do-it-yourself - Nissan Rogue Owner's ManualNissan Rogue: Checking the tire pressure

1. Remove the valve stem cap from the

1. Remove the valve stem cap from the tire.

2. Press the pressure gauge squarely onto the valve stem. Do not press too hard or force the valve stem sideways, or air will escape. If the hissing sound of air escaping from the tire is heard while checking the pressure, reposition the gauge to eliminate this leakage.

3. Remove the gauge.

4. Read the tire pressure on the gauge stem and compare it to the specification shown on the Tire and Loading Information label.

5. Add air to the tire as needed. If too much air is added, press the core of the valve stem briefly with the tip of the gauge stem to release pressure. Recheck the pressure and add or release air as needed.

6. Install the valve stem cap.

7. Check the pressure of all other tires, including the spare.

1: 2WD models

1: 2WD models
2: AWD models
3: AWD models with 18 inch tires

    Tire and Loading Information label
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