Jeep Liberty: Vehicle Modifications/Alterations - Introduction - Jeep Liberty Owner's ManualJeep Liberty: Vehicle Modifications/Alterations

Any modifications or alterations to this vehicle could seriously affect its roadworthiness and safety and may lead to a accident resulting in serious injury or death.

    Vehicle Identification Number
    The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is found on the left front corner of the instrument panel. The VIN is visible from outside of the vehicle through the windshield. This number also is stamp ...

    See also:

    Parking Brake
    To apply the parking brake, push the pedal down with your foot. To release it, push on the pedal again. The parking brake indicator on the instrument panel should go out when the parking ...

    System check and vehicle feature customization
    Press the SETUP button repeatedly to cycle the message center through the following features: PRESS RESET FOR ENGLISH (if in another language) When entering the setup menu and a non-English lang ...

    Voice Command
    • For best performance, adjust the rearview mirror to provide at least 1⁄2 in (1 cm) gap between the overhead console (if equipped) and the mirror. • Always wait for the beep before spe ...