Volvo XC60: Octane rating - Refueling - During your trip - Volvo XC60 Owner's ManualVolvo XC60: Octane rating

Do not use gasolines containing methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). This practice can result in vehicle performance deterioration and can damage critical parts in the fuel system. Such dam ...

Minimum octane
Typical pump octane label Volvo recommends premium fuel for best performance, but using 87 octane or above will not affect engine reliability. Volvo engines are designed to achieve rated hor ...

See also:

Backing up on a steep uphill
Backing up on a steep uphill When backing up the vehicle up a hill, the distance guide lines and the vehicle width guide lines are shown closer than the actual distance. For example, the displ ...

Additional Factors Affecting System Operation
Safety belts help keep the passenger in position on the seat during vehicle maneuvers and braking, which helps the passenger sensing system maintain the passenger airbag status. See “Safety Belt ...

Last 10
Allows view of the last 10 calls made, received or missed. Note: The vehicle will display the list in the order the calls were recorded. If this information is not available, they will be display ...