Nissan Rogue: NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System keys
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System keys
1. Master key (2)
2. Key number plate (1)
Your vehicle can only be driven with the master keys which are registered to the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System components in your vehicle. These keys have a transponder chip in the key head.
Never leave these keys in the vehicle.
Additional or replacement keys:
If you still have a key, the key number is not
necessary when you need extra NISSAN Vehicle
Immobilizer System keys. Your dealer can
duplicate your existing key. As many as 5 keys
can be used with one vehicle. You should bring
all the registered keys that you have to a
NISSAN dealer for registration. This is because
the registration process will erase the memory of
all key codes previously registered into the
NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System. After the
registration process, these components will only
recognize keys coded into the NISSAN Vehicle
Immobilizer System during registration. Any key
that is not given to your dealer at the time of
registration will no longer be able to start your
Do not allow the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System key, which contains an electrical transponder, to come in contact with salt water. This could cause the system to malfunction.
A key number plate is supplied with your keys.
Record the key number and keep it in a safe
place (such as your wallet), not in the vehicle. If
you lose your keys, see a NISSAN dealer for
duplic ...
Intelligent Keys (if so equipped)
Intelligent Keys (if so equipped)
1. Intelligent Key (2)
2. Mechanical key (inside Intelligent Key) (2)
3. Key number plate (1)
Your vehicle can only be driven with the
Intelligent Keys whic ...
See also:
Range (Estimated Distance)
This display shows the estimated
distance you can travel on the fuel
remaining in the tank.
This distance is estimated from the
fuel economy you have achieved
over the last few miles (kilomet ...
Winter driving tips
Carry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving
the vehicle in winter. Always drive the vehicle in a manner appropriate
to the prevailing weather conditions.
■ Pre-winter ...
The load carrying capacity of your vehicle is
determined by factors such as the number of
passengers, the amount of cargo, the weight
of any accessories that may be installed, etc.
To increase ...