Nissan Rogue: Moving closer to a projecting object - Difference between predicted and actual distances - Around viewTM monitor (if equipped) - Center display, heater, air conditioner, audio, phone 
and voice recognition systems - Nissan Rogue Owner's ManualNissan Rogue: Moving closer to a projecting object

The position C is shown further than the

The position C is shown further than the position B in the display. However, the position C is actually at the same distance as the position A . The vehicle may hit the object when moving toward the position A if the object projects over the actual moving course.

    Moving near a projecting object
    The predicted course lines A do not touch the object in the display. However, the vehicle may hit the object if it projects over the actual moving course. There may be a small distance visi ...

    Operating tips
    - The screen displayed on the Around View Monitor will automatically return to the previous screen when no operation takes place for 3 minutes after the CAMERA button has been pushed while the ...

    See also:

    Topping up the washer fluid
    The washer reservoir supplies the front and rear screen washer jets and headlamp washer jets. Check and top-up the reservoir level at least every week. Always top-up with screen washer fluid to p ...

    Four-wheel drive lock switch (4WD models)
    Four-wheel drive lock mode can be used when a large amount of drive power needs to be applied to all the wheels, such as when the vehicle gets stuck in mud and you need to free it. Press the swit ...

    The autolock feature will lock all the doors, liftgate and liftgate window when: • all doors are closed, • the ignition is in the on position, • you shift into any gear putting the vehicle ...