Ford Escape: Infant and/or toddler seats - Safety seats for children - Seating and Safety Restraints - Ford Escape Owner's ManualFord Escape: Infant and/or toddler seats

Use a safety seat that is recommended for the size and weight of the child.

When installing a child safety seat:

• Review and follow the information presented in the Airbag supplemental restraint system (SRS) section in this chapter.
• Carefully follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions included with the safety seat you put in your vehicle. If you do not install and use the safety seat properly, the child may be injured in a sudden stop or collision.

Airbags can kill or injure a child in a child seat. NEVER place a

Airbags can kill or injure a child in a child seat. NEVER place a rear-facing child seat in front of an active airbag. If you must use a forward-facing child seat in the front seat, move the vehicle seat all the way back.

Children 12 and under should be properly restrained in a rear seating position whenever possible. If all children cannot be seated and restrained properly in a rear seating position, properly restrain the largest child in the front seat.

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