Volvo XC60: Important information - Introduction - Volvo XC60 Owner's ManualVolvo XC60: Important information

Contacting Volvo
In the USA: Volvo Cars of North America, LLC Customer Care Center 1 Volvo Drive, P.O. Box 914 Rockleigh, New Jersey 07647 1-800-458-1552 In Canada: Volvo Cars of Canada Corp ...

See also:

Corrosion protection
Protecting Your Hyundai from Corrosion By using the most advanced design and construction practices to combat corrosion, Hyundai produces cars of the highest quality. However, this is only part ...

Using the steering wheel audio switches
Some audio features can be controlled using the switches on the steering wheel. 1 Volume 2 Radio mode: Select radio stations CD mode: Selects tracks and files (MP3 and WMA) iPod mode: Selects ...

Important ventilating information
If the engine is idling while the vehicle is stopped for a long period of time, open the windows at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) or adjust the heating or air conditioning to bring in fresh air. ...