Nissan Rogue: Anti-freeze - Cold weather driving - Starting and driving - Nissan Rogue Owner's ManualNissan Rogue: Anti-freeze

In the winter when it is anticipated that the outside temperature will drop below 328F (08C), check the anti-freeze to assure proper winter protection. For additional information, see “Engine cooling system” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section.

    Freeing a frozen door lock
    To prevent a door lock from freezing, apply deicer through the key hole. If the lock becomes frozen, heat the key before inserting it into the key hole or use the remote keyless entry keyfob. ...

    If the battery is not fully charged during extremely cold weather conditions, the battery fluid may freeze and damage the battery. To maintain maximum efficiency, the battery should be checked ...

    See also:

    Cargo loads
    Cargo loads precautions CAUTION: ● Do not load cargo or luggage higher than the top of the seatback. Be sure that your cargo or luggage cannot move once your vehicle is moving. Having the r ...

    Adverse safety consequences of under-inflation
    Driving at high speeds with excessively low tire pressures can cause the tires to flex severely and to rapidly become hot. A sharp in- crease in temperature could cause tread separation, and ...

    Backing up on a steep downhill
    Backing up on a steep downhill When backing up the vehicle down a hill, the distance guide lines and the vehicle width guide lines are shown further than the actual distance. For example, the ...