Toyota RAV4: Antenna location and effective range - Opening, closing and locking the doors - Before driving - Toyota RAV4 Owner's ManualToyota RAV4: Antenna location and effective range

■ Antenna location

1 Antennas outside the cabin

1 Antennas outside the cabin
2 Antennas inside the cabin
3 Antenna outside the luggage compartment

Unlocking and locking the doors and back door (front and backdoor handles only)
Grip the handle to unlock the doors. Make sure to touch the sensor on the back of the handle. The doors cannot be unlocked for 3 seconds after the doors are locked. Press the lock button to l ...

Effective range (areas within which the electronic key isdetected)
When locking or unlocking the doors The system can be operated when the electronic key is within about 2.3 ft. (0.7 m) of either of the outside front door handles and back door handle. When ...

See also:

Contact shortcuts
A quick way of searching the phone book for contacts in normal view is to turn TUNE clockwise to access the phone book and then counter- clockwise to select a contact from the list. Press OK/ME ...

Towing with a sling-type truck
Do not tow with a sling-type truck to prevent body damage. ...

Catalytic Converter
Catalytic Converter The purpose of the catalytic converter is to minimize the amount of harmful pollutants in your vehicle’s exhaust. Use of leaded fuel in vehicles equipped with catalytic con ...